Friday, March 16, 2012

Fourth Tea Party - Big Success!

Yesterday marked the fourth Tea and Card Making Party at Casa Ana and it was fun! We had a lovely group with Barbara, Bette, Fern, Lila, Sarah and Sheryl.  We snacked on a lemon tart with fresh strawberries, sour cream chocolate chip cookies and cream cheese with that sesame seed salsa that seems to be all the rage here these days. Delish!  We washed that all down with chamomile/lemon tea and champagne!   Here are some pics for your enjoyment.

The Cards We Made
Hope you can join us next time!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Look See What I've Been Up To!

As you can imagine, I spend much of my time playing with paper!  I'm not sure which I enjoy more, designing the cards or actually putting them together!  Here are a few new ones:

Tomorrow is another "Tea and Card Making Party" so stay tuned!