Tuesday, January 31, 2012

First Social/Card Camp

Oh my, where to start. Thank you to Joan for the lovely tea set that made a beautiful table, I hope your grandmother is smiling just knowing it is being used and loved, what a gift!

Also, thank you to my first inductees into card making. Judy, Lorraine, Mercedes and Yvonne,  you did great! It was a pleasure having you to tea, cookies and card making!

Here is a potpourri of pictures from today's event:

Mercedes with her card and Yvonne

Judy with her cards

First graduating class of 2012

Lorraine holding up her card and Judy

It was a great morning and afternoon, thank you ladies!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Valentines Day 2012

All cards are fun to make, but Valentine's Day cards are especially fun.  Here are a few of this year's.